Research Areas

Interlinking of Physical Assets to Digital Entities

We conduct basic research in the field of secure connection and tradability of physical units with the blockchain. These technologies are the basis for creating blockchain based trading systems. The consideration is based on real economic requirements. The aim is to make global goods and goods markets more efficient. By implementing the insights into complete, ready-to-use software.

fully autonomous user controlled smart contracts

Based on the technological-philosophical framework of the 3rd generation of crypto resources, coins and tokens are developed into autonomous, logical units. The user can control them completely autonomous with specially adapted DApps without logins or data storage. 3rd gen crypto enables highly secure transactions. Settlement without any marketplaces or third parties. Contract segmentation. Multi currency processing. Environmentally friendly, near zero carbon emission, genesis.

Linked fiat<< crypto transaction execution

The development of systems and functions to enable usable, highly secure and fully automated processing of multi-currency transactions. Software for banks and companies to automate processes to the extent that user deposits and withdrawals are bridged and processed smoothly between crypto and fiat currencies. Multi-currency management, on-chain real-time price setting, payment-digging interlinking, smart contract based full automated and integrated KYC.